Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pre-reading task: first expectations

As a pre-reading task I made a little brainstorming what the book would be about.
First a description of how the cover looks like: 
  • Young, little boy stands on the left, an old man stands on the right
  • Both are holding their hands up, but they don’t touch each other
  • It looks like the sun’s shining through an window or anything else, because there’s only a spotlight which irradiate the two
  • The old man wears dark, long and warm clothes, the young boy wears a long shirt which could be something like a dress, too
  • You can’t see their faces, it looks like they don’t have a nose, a mouth and so on, but you can guess that there’re two male persons → older person has a beard, younger person has short hair
My personal short interpretation of what you can see on this cover:
  • Young, little boy will become important ? → he and an old man are standing in the sun, the man turns his back to the direction of the sun, the young boy holds his face in the direction of it, young boy is ready for something new, old man shows this to the boy
  • Connection between young boy and old man on the cover, although there’s an obvious distance between them on the picture
  • They stretch their arms, if they would turn their hands, they could carry something on them → figuratively they carry something you can’t see, something supernatural

1 comment:

  1. Caroline, I really like your desciption of the book's cover. It's an interesting observation that the hands of the two characters actually don’t touch each other. I'm curious about the "carrying"- aspect you raised. Perhaps, we'll find out more about it whilst reading the book.

    PS: I think you mean "spotlight" instead of "taper"?! Check that.
